Herman Bavinck. Review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit, part II
In a series of pieces in the De Bazuin [The Trumpet],* Herman Bavinck provided brief reviews of the three volumes of Kuyper’s Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest. These are provisional, quick and dirty translations.

Herman Bavinck “Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel II)”, De Bazuin 37 (8) (1889):

The work of the Holy Spirit in the individual.
The first part of this book deals with the work of the Holy Spirit for the church as a whole; the recently published second part discusses the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual.
It successively discussed the work in humanity before the fall, in the sinner at regeneration, calling and conversion, justification and faith. Recommendation of these studies, already known from De Heraut, is unnecessary; announcement of a work by the esteemed author's hand is sufficient. It is not necessary to agree with Dr. Kuyper on everything, for example, on regeneration, calling, justification, etc., to also claim the name of Reformed. The path that Dr. K. has taken and continues with so much talent is not the only one that runs through Reformed Theology. However, even with differences of opinion, there is much to learn from this work. Therefore, we wish it to be in many hands. Mr. Wormser has ensured a neat publication.
H. B.

* Da Bazuin was subtitled: Voices from the Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands. (For the benefit of the Theological School in Kampen.)

Translated by Steve Bishop.

Source: https://stevebishop.blogspot.com/2024/05/herman-bavincks-review-of-kuypers-work.html

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