A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Published: March 1867.
The title (200 copies) was put up for auction and acquired by H.A. van Bottenburg, Amsterdam on January 15, 1903.
RKB 4.
ET: What should we do? Keep the right to vote for ourselves or empower the consistory? The question of the carrying out of art. 23 clarified.

On July 25, 1866 the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church decided to put into effect Article 23 of the Revised Regulation of 1852, which gave local congregations the right to assign members of the consistory and to call pastors. Previously, only the consistory de facto had this right. Article 23 was officially put into effect on March 1, 1867 by the Nieuw Synodaal Reglement op de benoeming van ouderlingen en diakenen en de beroeping van predikanten door de manslidmaten [New synodical regulations for the nomination of elders and deacons and for the calling of pastors by male church members]. Kuyper looked upon the new synodical regulations as a product of modern individualism. In his historical analysis, however, Kuyper argued that Article 23 agreed with the principles of the Reformation and that this transitional provision could be used to overturn illegal church rule. He therefore thought that congregations should retain the right to vote.

On the effects of the carrying out of Article 23, see 1869.04.