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Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Dr. J.I. Doedes, De Heid. Cat. in zijne eerste levensjaren 1563–1567, hist. bibliogr. nalezing, met 26 facsimilé’s.
In: Godgeleerde Bijdragen voor 1867.
Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon 1867 (Leyden, De Breuk & Smits), pp. 403–422.
Published: May 1867.
Dated: Beest, February 20, 1867.
Offprint, see: 1867.03.
ET: The Heidelberg Catechism during its first years of existence, 1563–1567: A historical-bibliographical perusal with 26 facsimiles.

Review of J.I. Doedes’ (1817–1897; professor at Utrecht, 1859–1888) historical and bibliographical study of the Heidelberg Catechism in the first years after its publication. The review is preceded by a remarkable four-page plea for restoring the sponsorship (“Maecenate”) of scholarly research. The English Parker Society (1840–1855) is held up as a model. The review manifests warm approval of the Heidelberg Catechism and vivid interest in its history.