A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Kerkvisitatie te Utrecht in 1868 met het oog op den kritieken toestand onzer kerk historisch toegelicht.
Utrecht, J.H. van Peursem 1868. [8], 146 pp., 20cm.—ƒ1.20.
Published: September 1868.
Preface dated: Utrecht, August 26, 1868.
On cover and title page: Proinde melius nihil esse concludunt, quam malum bene positum non movere. Calvinus.
RKB 9.
ET: The church inspection at Utrecht in 1868 with an eye to the critical condition of our church in historical perspective.

Arguing that the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church was not upholding its confessional standards, the Consistory of Utrecht judged the annual inspection (spring 1867) by the Classical Board of Utrecht to be deprived of its spiritual authority and therefore only answered questions relating to administrative matters. During the subsequent written visitation in 1868, the consistory refused to answer any questions.

This booklet relates, in four chapters and with many relevant references to the history of the church, what had already happened and what was currently transpiring in Utrecht.

Fifty years after its publication, a bookseller in Utrecht was offering remainders of the booklet for ƒ0.50 per copy (cf. De Heraut, no. 2102, May 5, 1918).