A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Verzameling van officiëele bescheiden in zake de kerkvisitatie te Utrecht in 1868 uitgegeven op last van den Kerkeraad. I.
Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon 1868. 47, [1] pp., 21cm.—ƒ0.25.
Published: October 1868.
Preface dated: Utrecht, September 25, 1868.
RKB 11.
ET: Collection of official documents with respect to the church inspection at Utrecht in 1868, published at the request of the consistory: I.

Twelve official records, partly composed of correspondence, having to do with the church visitation at Utrecht in 1868. Six of the published records are signed by A. Kuyper in his capacity as chairman. Records 2, 4, 8, and 12 were largely drafted by Kuyper and the collection was edited by R. van Meerlant, M.M. van Asch van Wijck, and A. Kuyper in accordance with a request by the General Consistory of Utrecht.

Kuyper had submitted a written request to the consistory to publish in serial form and at its own expense documents pertaining to the church inspection (HUA/NHKU 92). No subsequent volume of records was published.