A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De kerkelijke goederen.
In: Bijblad van De Vereeniging: Christelijke Stemmen 9 (1865/1869), no. 20, pp. [297]–317.
Published: January 1869.
Dated: Utrecht, January 10, 1869.
Offprint, see: 1869.03.
RKB 13.
ET: Church property.

The article discusses how the separation of church and state affects the status of church properties. The government had decided to allow the church free management of its possessions. The transitional General Supervisory Board, installed by the government in 1866 for a period of three years, had its own ideas and presented—although without any regulatory authority—an alternative draft resolution (October 12, 1868). The article argues that this draft injured the rights that the government intended to give to congregations.