A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


De “Nuts”-beweging.
Amsterdam, H. Höveker 1869. IV, 83, [2] pp., 23cm.—ƒ0.60.
Published: March 1869.
Preface dated: Utrecht, February 1869.
On the title page: (Bijblad van de Vereeniging: “Christelijke Stemmen.”)
RKB 16.
ET: The “welfare” movement.

Originally an address to a meeting on Christian schooling (Amsterdam, January 25, 1869) that was reworked for publication, this pamphlet puts forward an urgent warning against the Society for Public Welfare (founded in 1784) because of its declining Christian belief and its modernism. The society’s characteristic doctrine of achieving tolerance by neutralizing confessional differences is opposed in this pamphlet by the principle that respect for the convictions of others arises from the firmness of personal conviction.