A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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“Geworteld en gegrond.” De kerk als organisme en instituut. Intreêrede, uitgesproken in de Nieuwe Kerk te Amsterdam, 10 Augustus 1870.
Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. 1870 (Amsterdam, Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij). 35 pp., 35cm.—ƒ0.25.
Published: August 1870.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, August 10, 1870.
2nd and 3rd printing respectively published in: August and September 1870.
Simultaneously published with: 1870.24.
Also included in: 1913.15.
Translation (English), see: 2013.03; 2016{.03}
RKB 28.
ET: “Rooted and grounded.” The church as organism and institution. Inaugural sermon, given in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, August 10, 1870.

First sermon preached at Amsterdam, based on the text of Ephesians 3:17f. The terms “rooted” and “grounded” are applied in reference to the essence and form of the church, which can be viewed both as an organism and as an institution. The moderns deny the organic essence of the church, while the irenic do not do sufficient justice to the institutional form of the church. Both aspects belong indispensably together in a church free from state supervision and centralized church administration. Reformed theology demands that churches be self-governing and self-administrating. The preacher also asks the community to give attention to the pressing social questions of the day.

According to the preface, the parting words at Utrecht (see 1870.24) and this first sermon at Amsterdam were deliberately published simultaneously because of their interrelationship. Both deal with topics affecting the contemporary situation of the Dutch Reformed Church in the Netherlands and thus complement one another.

The customary words of acknowledgement are also included.