A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Platform for the elections of 1871.]
In: De Heraut 22 (1871), no. 16, April 21, 1871.
Dated: Amsterdam, April 21, 1871.
See also: 1933.04, 1937.08.

Kuyper, who was the editor in chief of De Heraut as well as a candidate for the Second Chamber, convened a meeting on April 18, 1871 between the editorial boards of De Bazuin, De Heraut, De Hoop des Vaderlands, Kerkelijk Weekblad, Wekstem, and De Volksbode. The purpose of the meeting was to reach agreement about a course of action to strengthen the influence of the Christian press in light of the upcoming national elections of June 13. Kuyper put forward a short and pithy three point program: (1) maintain the indepedence of the Christian Historical school of thought; (2) make free schools the rule and state schools the exception; and (3) promote a more democratic electoral system.

The program concluded with a call to readers to send to the editors of their papers the addresses of the chairmen and secretaries of the electoral associations in their electoral districts. The editors at the meeting accepted the proposed program.