A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Het Wilhelmus.]
In: Verslag van de negentiende Algemeene Vergadering der Vereeniging van Christelijke Onderwijzers in Nederland, gehouden te Amsterdam, den 24sten en 25sten Mei 1872.
[Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon 1872], pp. 22–29.
Published: July 1872.
RKB 42.
ET: The Wilhelmus.

A summary—really a verbatim report—of an address that was delivered in abbreviated form in the Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam on the occasion of 19th General Assembly of the Union of Christian School Teachers in the Netherlands. The address was delivered in abbreviated form because the meeting had threatened to overrun its schedule. In the address Kuyper contends that the “Wilhelmus” (which would be recognized as the official Dutch national anthem in 1932) could serve as a source of inspiration for both citizens and teachers in the struggle for the preservation of Christendom in the state and schools. He announces that a gathering not only of primary school teachers but also of secondary school teachers and college professors might take place soon as a consequence of this struggle. (See also “Ons Wilhelmus” in De Standaard, no. 621, April 6/7, 1874.)

This item was later repeatedly published, and once again shortened, in anthologies for Christian primary education—e.g. fifty years later in 1922 (and in the second edition of 1929) in P. de Zeeuw JGzn., Uit ’s lands historieblaân. Geschiedkundig leesboek voor de hoogste klassen der lagere school en laagste klassen der U.L.O.-scholen met den Bijbel. II. (Den Haag/Gouda) and in P. den Boer en J.C. de Koning, Leven. Leesboek voor de Scholen met den Bijbel. IX. (Rijswijk, 1922; fifth printing, 1949).