A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Memorie van den Amsterdamschen kerkeraad der Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente in zake het adres van de HH. G. H. Kuiper c.s. Voor den kerkeraad gesteld.
Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. 1872. 144, [1] pp., 21cm.
Dated: September 1872.
On the title page: Elk kerkeraadslid van volgende tijden moet kennis kunnen nemen van vroegere en thans gebeurde zaken. Act. B. Kerk 37, p. 113.
Prefatory note dated: Amsterdam, September 1872.
Printed but not published.
Trade edition, see: 1872.11.
ET: The memorandum of the Amsterdam Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church regarding the address by Messrs. G.H. Kuiper and supporters, drawn up for the consistory.

On March 27, 1872, seventeen elders from the Amsterdam Consistory sent a circular letter to the members of the Reformed Congregation in Amsterdam, protesting against modernism in preaching. They declared that insofar as their office permitted they would no longer attend services of word and sacrament led by modernists. The objections that G.H. Kuiper and his 1,322 supporters (1,077 male and 245 female signatories) subsequently raised against these elders are examined and refuted with documentary evidence in this memorandum, which was conceived by Kuyper and sent to G.H. Kuiper and his followers. The names of all the protesting members of the congregation who had made themselves known and to whom this memorandum was directed were printed in three columns on pages 14–25.