A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Rapport van de Commissie des Kerkeraads in zake de nadere regeling van het vrij beheer der kerkelijke goederen.
[S.l., s.n. 1872.] 23 pp., 33cm.
Dated: Amsterdam, October 8, 1872.
On the cover: Bijlage I.
Printed but not published.
Rapport No. 2, see: 1873.02.
ET: Report of the committee of the consistory with respect to the additional regulations of the free administration of church properties.

As of 1872 the situation with respect to the management of church property was still rather unclear in Amsterdam. Therefore, Kuyper intervened in September with a proposal and three questions that were accepted by the General Consistory. Kuyper was also invited to take part in the committee that would advise the consistory about the management of their church property. Within a month the consistory received a report from this committee (GAA 376/48) with a summary of eleven findings. Kuyper signed on behalf of the committee and also acted as its reporter. Upon review, the report was returned to the committee for reconsideration of its legality. This decision resulted in the issuing of a second report (see 1873.02).