A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Hoe moet er in de christelijke kerk gedoopt worden? Een woord tot de gemeente van Jezus Christus in dagen van clericalistische willekeur.
Middelburg, P.G. Wijtman 1872, [1–5], 6–22, [1] pp., 19cm.—ƒ0.10.
Reprint with new title.
Introduction by: Het Bestuur der Inwendige Zendingsvereeniging te Middelburg.
Introduction dated: Middelburg, September 30, 1872.
ET: How has to be baptized in the Christian Church? A word to the congregation of Jesus Christ in the daytime of clericalistic arbitrariness.

A reprint of four leading articles dealing with the close of the gospel in Matth. 28:29 and the baptism formula. The series was originally entitled De spitse der openbaring [The spearhead of revelation], and published in De Standaard. Zondagsnummer [The Standard: Sunday edition [1, (1872)], no. 11, June 9, 1872—no. 14, June 30, 1872. The articles were also reissued as the 6th series in 1873.06.

The reprint of the four articles (pp. 5–22) was published by order of Het bestuur der Inwendige Zendingsvereeniging te Middelburg [The Board of the Home Mission Association at Middelburg]. The Board exchanged the original title of the four article series for an appellant address. The reprint is dedicated (p. [2]) to the only modernist pastor in Middelburg, Rev. E.J.W. Koch (1828–1895) and to his modernist sympathizers.

At stake was a protest against the tendency of modernist pastors to baptize “to the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” or “to faith, hope and love”, instead of the classic formula which reads “in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” In 1870 the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church decided to leave free the liturgical use of the baptismal formula.