A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Rapport der Commissie, benoemd in de Algemeene Vergadering der Vereeniging voor Christelijk-Nationaal Schoolonderwijs, gehouden te Utrecht op den 5 Junij 1874.
(S.l., s.n.) 1875, pp. [3]–26.
Dated: Utrecht, January 20, 1875.
ET: Report of the commission, appointed in general meeting of the Union for Christian National Primary Education, held at Utrecht on June 5, 1874.

A report prepared for the annual meeting of the Union for Christian National Primary Education (CNS), which was scheduled to take place on May 19–20, 1875. At the previous annual meeting (June 5, 1874), Kuyper had expressed his concern about the weak position of the CNS and the despondency of its members. In light of the proposed new educational law, he was worried about the progress of the movement for Christian education as a whole. Therefore, he proposed that a commission be charged with reporting to the next annual meeting on three questions that he had formulated. He hoped once more (see 1869.15 and 1869.22) to influence the CNS and give it new vision.

Two lists of received items (pp. [27]–30) for the agenda were included with the report. The report, however, was the main point of business.

The authorship of this item (as with 1869.22) cannot be decisively determined. However, Kuyper was its principle instigator. He put forward the questions, he served as a member of the commission, and his fingerprints can be detected everywhere in the document. The striking signature line perhaps also points to Kuyper’s authorship by listing him first and without initial: “Kuyper, G.J. Vos Az., B.J.L. de Geer van Jutphaas.”