A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letter to the editor.]
In: Opregte Haarlemsche Courant, no. 5, January 6, 1879.
Also included in: 1879.05.

Letter to the editor concerning an opinion piece sent in by a reader to the daily Opregte Haarlemsche Courant on December 30, 1878. That piece had summarized an anonymous letter to the editor entitled “Reformed Letters IV,” which had been printed in the December issue of Stemmen voor Waarheid en Vrede 15 (1878), vol. 2, pp. 632–642. Among the points summarized by the author was the assertion that in 1620 the professors of theology at the University of Leiden had not signed the signatory formula to the Three Forms of Unity, as prescribed by the Synod of Dordrecht (1618–1619); rather, they had signed a simplified, more straightforward, and broader declaration. The author related this point as a form of protest against the decision, made by Kuyper and his followers on October 22, 1878 in Utrecht, to establish an Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles, which would provide theological education in agreement with the Three Forms of Unity (see 1878.10).

In his letter to the editor, Kuyper rejects the protest as unfounded. This exchange led in part to the appearance of a brochure about this matter (see 1879.05).