A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


In: De Heraut, no. 150, 31 October 1880.
ET: To the King! The directors, trustees, professors, and founders of the Vrije Universiteit, joined in feasting at the conclusion of the founding celebration, offer their reverent homage and commend the new corporation to his royal favor. The Rector Magnificus of the Vrije Universiteit.

Aan den Koning! Directeuren, Curatoren, Hoogleraren en Stichters der Vrije Universiteit, bij den uitgang van het stichtingsfeest in feestdisch vereenigd, bieden hunnen Koning de betuiging hunner eerbiedige hulde en bevelen de nieuwe Stichting in zijn Koninklijke gratie aan. De Rector der Vrije Universiteit.

Telegram to King William III, sent during the dinner on October 21, 1880 (after the solemn assemblies held on October 19–21, 1880) to celebrate the opening of the Vrije Universiteit. Kuyper was the first rector magnificus of the Vrije Universiteit. The Equerry of Service sent thanks for this homage by return telegram and conveyed the best wishes of the king for the flourishing of the corporation. The telegrams were printed in a celebratory issue (12 pp.) of De Heraut, which was printed in color.