A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Behoort een Christen in de komedie? Drie pleidooien van G. Tophel, te Genève. Uit het Fransch door A.J. Hoogenbirk. Met een inleidend woord van Dr. A. Kuyper.
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt 1881 (Wageningsche Boek- en Muziekdrukkerij), pp. V–VI.
Published: March 1881.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, February 19, 1881.
Preface, see also: 1929.04 (pp. 45–46).
Next edition, see: 1924.01.
RKB 70.
ET: Preface.

Preface to the Dutch translation of Les limites de la liberté chrétienne. Trois discours suivis d’un appendix relatif à la question du théatre by the Rev. G. Tophel (Lausanne: G. Bridel, 1880). A controversial appearance in Amsterdam by an English group called the Bell Ringers prompted Kuyper to write a fifteen-article series in De Standaard, no. 2680, December 15, 1880–no. 2736, February 21, 1881 about art and entertainment. Offered under the title Publiek vermaak [Public amusement] (see 1924.03), the series was critical of the theater as a source of public entertainment. In the first article of this series, Kuyper already refers favorably to the upcoming translation of Les limites de la liberté chrétienne.

In his foreword to the Dutch translation, which refers to the theater as “the bulwark of worldly-mindedness,” Kuyper recommends Tophel’s appeal because its author is a foreigner who is neither a puritan nor a Calvinist. This lends extra support, Kuyper claims, to his protest against worldly-mindedness in public entertainment.

A.J. Hoogenbirk (1848–1920), who translated Tophel’s booklet into Dutch, was an editor of De Standaard and De Heraut from 1878 to 1892.