A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Kan de overheid eene goed ingerichte volksschool geven; of is in beginsel de vrije school altijd boven de school van overheidswege te verkiezen?
In: Zevende Jaarverslag van De Unie “Een school met den Bijbel,” gesticht den 23sten januari 1879, te Utrecht.
Rotterdam, D. van Sijn & Zoon 1886, pp. 49–52.
Published: March 1886.
ET: Can the state provide a well-appointed public school? Or is the free school always preferable in principle to state-sponsored schooling?

Report of an introductory lecture held during the seventh annual meeting of The Union: “A School with the Bible” on October 22, 1885 at Utrecht. The purpose of the lecture was to generate discussion about the solution that the Rev. L. Tinholt (1825–1886) had proposed to the school question. In the final issue of his journal, Nederlandsche Gedachten, no. 7, April 20, 1876, Groen van Prinsterer had proposed that the state schools be split into elective schools. Tinholt was continuing that line of thought when he argued in 1885 that the “school with the Bible” should be made into a state school, that is, into a Christian school administered by the state if sufficient private funds were not available. Kuyper declared himself absolutely opposed to the idea because he contended that the state has only political authority. God did not give the civil authorities sovereignty in the realm of the church, family, education, or the sciences.