A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letter to the editor.]
In: De Wageninger 16 (1888), no. 16, February 24, 1888.

A letter to the editor in which Kuyper denies intending to propose the attorney W. Heineken for the lucrative position of clerk of the Amsterdam Consistory while he was still a member of the consistory. Heineken agreed with Kuyper’s views on the ownership of church properties (cf. 1886.20), which is why it was suspected that Kuyper had proposed him for this office. The sitting clerk did not join the Doleantie.

The editor in chief of the De Wageninger and the author of the incriminating passage in the leading article of February 8, 1888 (no. 11) was the Rev. S.H. Buytendijk (1822–1910). Buytendijk was a member of the Central Committee of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Federations from 1879 to 1884. However, he became a party dissident due to his strong opposition to the Doleantie. Together with the Rev. A.W. Bronsveld, he founded the National Party in 1888, which vainly attempted to prevent the right-wing coalition of Roman Catholics and Anti-Revolutionaries after their first electoral victory in 1888. In 1905, Buytendijk declared himself once more a supporter of the Anti-Revolutionary Party in his brochure Rechts of links? Een politiek advies (Utrecht, 1905).

The letter to the editor was also published in De Standaard, no. 4896, February 27, 1888.