A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Het Calvinisme en de kunst. Rede bij de overdracht van het rectoraat der Vrije Universiteit op 20 October 1888.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1888. 87 pp., 28cm.—ƒ0.90.
Run: 1,200.
Published: October 1888.
Translation (English), see: 1892.05.
RKB 108.
ET: Calvinism and art. Address on the occasion of the transferal of the rectorship of the Vrije Universiteit on October 20, 1888.

Address at the transferal of the rectorship of the Vrije Universiteit to F.L. Rutgers. Kuyper, also professor in aesthetics, chose the subject “Calvinism and art” to overturn the prejudice that these two are mutually exclusive. The first section of the address recounts the formal principle of Calvin that art is a gift of God and discusses the consequences of this principle for the evaluation of art. In the second section, Kuyper investigates the effects of seven characteristics of Calvinism on the development of the plastic arts. In the third and final section, he deals with the relation between Calvinism and poetry.

The Annales Academiae for the academic year 1887–1888 are also included (pp. [41]–51) in this edition of the address. The endnotes (pp. [53]–87), which are compactly printed, are more extensive than the address itself.