A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Is er aan de publieke universiteit ten onzent plaats voor een faculteit der theologie? Referaat voor de meeting, gehouden ter gelegenheid van de tiende jaarvergadering der Vereeniging voor Hooger Onderwijs op Gereformeerden grondslag.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1890. 43 pp., 24cm.—ƒ0.60.
Run: 1,000.
Published: June 1890.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, June 19, 1890.
Preface, see also: 1929.04 (pp. 297–298).
The title (560 copies) was put up for auction and acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen, on December 12, 1907.
RKB 117.
ET: Do public universities in our country have a place for a faculty of theology? Lecture for the meeting held on the occasion of the tenth annual meeting of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles.

A lecture held in Amsterdam on June 19, 1890 on the occasion of the tenth annual meeting of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles. Kuyper intended to make clear his perspective on the much-discussed question whether theological faculties should exist at public universities.

After giving an exposition of the issues involved, Kuyper contends that for reasons of history, systematics, and principle there should not be theological faculties at public universities. Science is sovereign in its sphere and does not tolerate intrusion from the state any more than the church does. The events that followed the passing of the Higher Education Law of 1876 had made this point clear. The government has the responsibility to provide higher education with its material needs, but must respect the fact that God remains sovereign over the encyclopedia of the sciences. Only the Vrije Universiteit can be said to be organized in a pure and irreproachable way from the standpoint of its constitution, history, and scholarship. It is a sign of this purity that no one would raise the question whether the Vrije Universiteit should have a theological faculty.