A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Amsterdamsche Kerkbode. Officieel orgaan van de Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk alhier. 6 (1892), no. 267, March 13, 1892.
ET: House visitation.

An article about the failings of the system of house visitations. The primary causes of these failings are the greater value ascribed to visits by pastors in comparison to elders and the growing number of congregational members requiring visitations. Kuyper estimates that each of the six pastors in Amsterdam has about seventy days available per year for house visitations. The elders promise to visit the members of the congregation annually when taking their oath of office; for the forty elders to do so meant making three visitations weekly. The elders should make regular reports about the visits that they have made so that the pastors will be able easily to determine which households they should visit. Above all, the system of household visitation must be well supervised.

The article was also included in De Geldersche Kerkbode 5 (1892), no. 163, March 19, 1892.