A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Boäz. De naam van ons maandblad.
In: Boäz. Maandblad der Vereeniging van Patroons, Mei 1892, p. 1.
Published: May 1892.
2nd contribution, see: 1892.13.
ET: Boaz. The name of our monthly.

Kuyper wrote the first two articles in the first issue of the first volume of Boaz: The Monthly of the Association of Employers (cf. Anti Revolutionaire Staatkunde 6, 1930 p. 504). The brief opening article, “Boaz: The Name of our Monthly,” concludes with the following observation: “This wealthy man is depicted to us in the story of Ruth precisely as he relates to subordinates … Boaz is therefore the brief, the connotative, the scriptural title by which our monthly will become known to the public.”

“Boaz” was consequently put forward as the name of the employers’ association by Klaas Kater (1833–1916), who was the first chairman (1876–1899) of the Dutch Workingmen’s Union “Patrimonium.”