A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letter to the editor.]
In: De Roeper 11 (1893), no. 47, November 23, 1893.
Dated: Amsterdam, November 18, 1893.

In this letter to the editor, printed under the heading “De zaak niet juist voorgesteld” [The affair not properly presented], Kuyper refutes an allegation put forward in De Roeper, no. 46, November 16, 1893. According to that paper, De Heraut’s critique of the reporting on the Synod of Dordrecht (see 1894.02) by De Bazuin set the tone for the Zuid-Hollandsche Kerkbode’s subsequent critique. In his reply, Kuyper shows that the Zuid-Hollandsche Kerkbode had appeared with its critical commentary a day previous to the relevant issue of De Heraut and that De Heraut therefore could not have been responsible for setting its critical tone.

Kuyper’s letter was also published in De Heraut, no. 831, November 26, 1893.