A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 23 (1894), no. 6770, April 3, 1894.
Dated: Amsterdam, April 2, 1894.

In this open letter to A.F. de Savornin Lohman, Kuyper explains why he had called upon De Savornin Lohman at the meeting of delegates (see 1894.04) to hand his candidacy for the Second Chamber in the electoral district of Goes over to him. Kuyper and De Savornin Lohman were both supporters of the “final extension” of the franchise. De Savornin Lohman, however, was of the opinion that this extension conflicted with the constitution and therefore required a constitutional amendment. Kuyper completely disagreed. He argued that the chance to broaden the franchise must be seized upon without delay.

A letter from De Savornin Lohman appeared immediately above Kuyper’s letter in this issue of De Standaard. In his letter, De Savornin Lohman rejects Kuyper’s offer to take over his candidacy in the electoral district of Goes. De Savornin Lohman had requested that this letter be made public, which caused Kuyper to make his response public as well.