A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Boaz. Maandblad van de Vereeniging van Nederlandsche Patroons “Boaz” 3 (1894/1895), nr 6, October 15, 1894, p. 83.
ET: From the sick room, a word of warm thanks for your friendly words of comfort. May the Lord our God increasingly make “Boaz” a blessing to our employers and their employees.

Uit de ziekenkamer een woord van hartelijken dank voor uwe vriendelijke vertroosting. Stelle de Heere onze God “Boaz” in toenemende mate tot zegen voor onze patroons en hunne werklieden. Kuyper.

An expression of gratitude sent by telegram from Brussels (see 1894.10) in reply to a telegram received from the third annual meeting of the Association of Dutch Employers “Boaz,” held in Leiden on September 25–26, 1894. Kuyper had developed a serious case of pleurisy as a result of a cold that he caught at the beginning of his summer vacation.