A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De Christus en de sociale nooden en Democratische klippen.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1895 (Middelharnis, Flakkeesche Boekdrukkerij). 95 pp., 24cm.—ƒ0.30 (25 ex. ƒ6.25; 50 ex. ƒ10.-; 100 ex. ƒ15.-; 500 ex. ƒ62.50); for members of Patrimonium: ƒ0.10.
New title.
Run: 8,000.
Published: September 1895.
Translation (English), see: 2022{.01}
Preface dated: Amsterdam, June 25, 1895.
RKB 134.
ET: The Christ and the social needs and Democratic reefs.

Reprint of two series of articles from De Standaard. These articles arose from Kuyper’s engagement with the question of expanding the franchise (see 1894.04) and his commitment to a more democratically composed parliament. A long period of illness lay between the writing of the two series of articles (see 1894.10).

The first series, Christus en de sociale nooden (ten articles), looks at what Christ had to say about social relationships. It was reprinted from De Standaard 23 (1894), no. 6833, June 18, 1894–no. 6851, July 9, 1894, where it was published in alternating issues and with the serial title Christus en de sociale nooden (please note the difference between the original title and the title in this reprint). The second series, Democratische klippen I–IX, identifies six reefs (e.g., popular sovereignty and class warfare) that can derail a democratically elected parliament. It was originally published in De Standaard 24 (1895), no. 7024, January 30, 1895 and then in alternating issues from no. 7028, February 4, 1895–no. 7042, February 20, 1895.

According to the foreword, Kuyper was urged to reprint these articles in pamphlet form so that the more affluent, who ordinarily disdained to read articles in De Standaard, might perhaps be persuaded to read them. In the eight-page foreword, Kuyper also responds at length to an anonymous series of articles published in De Nederlander (October/November 1894). The series, entitled Een heele of een halve Christus [A whole or a half Christ], criticized his series Christus en de sociale nooden.

The article series from De Nederlander was also published as an inexpensive pamphlet (Rotterdam: A. ter Weeme, 1895) almost simultaneously with Kuyper’s publication. The author was revealed to be H. Pierson (1834–1923). All members of Patrimonium received a free copy of Pierson’s pamphlet. The reprint of Kuyper’s series of articles, which was intended for broad distribution, was offered to the members of Patrimonium at a substantially reduced price. The remarkable and emphatic addition of the definite article in the new title of the reprint – De Christus en de sociale nooden – might be a critical correction to the title of the reviewing articles in De Nederlander.