A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Oefening en dienst des Woords.
In: Gereformeerde Stemmen uit vroeger en later tijd.
[First series], no. 16, November 1896.
Rotterdam, Mannenvereeniging “Voetius” 1896 (Rotterdam, A. ter Weeme), pp. 124–128.
ET: Lay preaching and service of the Word.

Two articles, reprinted from De Heraut, no. 675, November 30, 1890 and no. 677, December 14, 1890, published at the end of the series “Service of the Word” (see 1895.04 and 1896.02). Added because of their intrinsic importance and for the sake of completeness, these articles indicate and deal with the differences between devotional talks and sermons as well as differences between devotional leaders and pastors.

For details about Gereformeerde Stemmen, see 1895.04.