A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Parliamentary speeches.]
In: Verslag van de handelingen der Staten-Generaal. Zitting van 21 September1897–17 September 1898. Verslag der handelingen van de Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal gedurende het zittingjaar 1897–1898.
’s Gravenhage, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij 1898, pp. 54, 68–69, 81–82, 91–94, 120–123, 159–162, 185–187, 269–275, 296–298, 301–302, 393–394, 426–429, 432–433, 435–437, 441, 445, 474, 525, 528, 536, 576–579, 598–599, 685, 687–688, 690.
Published in parts.
Not included in 1908.20: pp. 185–187, 435–437, 441, 445, 474, 525, 528, 536, 685.

During the parliamentary elections of June 15, 1897, Kuyper was elected once again to the Second Chamber by the chief electoral district of Sliedrecht (cf. 1895.01). His first action of the parliamentary year 1897–1898 took place on September 28, 1897. From September 28 (p. 54) to November 11 (pp. 91–94), Kuyper spoke exclusively about an investigation being carried out by the Second Chamber into irregularities that may have influenced the outcome of the second ballot (June 25, 1897) in, among other places, the chief electoral district of Sneek. In this district the Anti-Revolutionary candidate, Th. Heemskerk (1852–1932)—who also lost the second ballot in Amsterdam—was defeated by only a single vote. From November 16 (pp. 120–123; war in Aceh) to November 19 (pp. 185–187; criticism of an allocation of governmental funds for a pagan sacrificial festival on Lombok), Kuyper became involved in the general debate about the national budget of 1898. In addition, he spoke about higher and lower education (pp. 435–437, 441, 445, and 474) and the completion of a cruiser then under construction (pp. 525 and 528); he asked for clarification of a passage from the royal address to Parliament relating to tariff rates for import duties (p. 536); and he made brief practical remarks about the weight of the mailbags carried by postmen (p. 685).