A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De drie formulieren van eenigheid, gelijk die voor de Gereformeerde Kerken dezer landen zijn vastgesteld op de Nationale Synode van Dordrecht. Uitgegeven voor kerkelijk gebruik door Dr. A. Kuyper. Met het “Kort Begrip” als aanhangsel.
Elfde vijfduizend.
Amsterdam/Pretoria, Boekhandel voorheen Höveker & Wormser. 1897. VIII, 152 pp., 16cm.—ƒ0.40.
Run: 5,000.
Published: November 1897.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, September 1, 1897.
On the cover: … gelijk die door de Gereformeerde Kerken ….
3rd edition of: 1883.02.
Previous printing, see: 1895.27.
Title edition, see: 1898.27.
Binding, see: 1883.09.
ET: The three forms of unity, as they were fixed for the Reformed Churches of this nation at the National Synod of Dordt. Published for church use by Dr. A. Kuyper. With the “Compendium” as an appendix.

New typesetting and an entirely revised edition with a partly rewritten version of the foreword from December 10, 1884, of which the last paragraph is devoted to changes in this third edition. The text is identical to the somewhat modernized spelling of the text in 1897.18. The Bible quotations have been adapted (after two and a half centuries) to the Dutch Authorized Version. The combination of the new text and a new typesetting improved its readability.

Among the changes, the following are especially notable:

  • – The Apostles’ Creed has been added.
  • – The two ecumenical symbols are no longer printed at the end in an appendix (cf. 1895.27), but following the Apostles’ Creed, right after the Three forms of unity.
  • – The heading has been changed from De vijf artikelen tegen de Remonstranten [The five articles against the Remonstrants] to De Dordtsche Leerregelen [The Canons of Dordt].
  • – Remarkably, the Besluit, which as the postscript to the Synod of Dordt (1618/ 1619) had been printed in all previous editions of the Canons of Dordt, has been left out. The Besluit, which dealt with misunderstandings and misrepresentations about the doctrine of election, had also rejected the idea that reprobation and election caused disbelief and belief in the same manner (eodem modo).
  • – The former addition on the cover Benevens het Kort Begrip der Christelijke religie, uitgegeven door de predikanten C.A. Renier en B. van Schelven henceforth is rendered as Met het “Kort Begrip” als aanhangsel (also on the title page). The appendix is preceded by some brief historical facts concerning the “Compendium.”