A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 27 (1898), no. 8137, September 13, 1898.
See also: 1958.01.

To Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands. On the day of Her Majesty’s enthronement I beg most respectfully to tender to My Most Gracious Queen my allegiance as a loyal subject and my entire concurrence with the forthcoming swearing in of the States General. May Her Majesty’s reign be long and prosperous, and may God bless it to Her Majesty’s happiness, to the welfare of the Netherland commonwealth, and to the glory of His name. Dr. A. Kuyper, Member of the States General.

A telegram that Kuyper sent from New York to Queen Wilhelmina on August 31, 1898—the day that she came of age. The queen’s inauguration would take place on September 6, 1898. The queen replied to the telegram, which Kuyper wrote in English, with a telegram written in French by her aide de camp. Both cables and their Dutch translations were also printed in De Hope, no. 48, October 5, 1898.