A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Rede van Dr. A. Kuyper, gehouden in de Historical Presbyterian Society te Philadelphia, over het veldwinnend ritualisme.
In: De Heraut, no. 1095, December 18, 1898–no. 1096, December 25, 1898.
Dated: Amsterdam, December 16, 1898; Amsterdam, December 23, 1898.
Translation (Dutch) of: 1899.20.
Translated by: H.S.S. Kuyper.
Translation (German), see: 1900.17.
ET: Dr. A. Kuyper’s lecture, delivered in the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia, on the advancing ritualism.

Dutch translation of a lecture delivered on December 6, 1898 before the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia. The lecture was also delivered on November 12, 1898 at the Congregational Seminary of Chicago and on November 28, 1898 at New Brunswick Theological Seminary.

In the lecture Kuyper discusses the antithesis between symbolism and revelation. According to Kuyper, symbolism threatens Calvinist church life. The principle of symbolism—namely, that a symbolic relation with God may be attained through the sensory perception of symbols and rituals—stands in direct opposition to revelation, which demands faith in the unveiling of the relation between God and humanity and thereby makes a demand by the power of the Holy Spirit precisely on our rationality and our understanding. Symbolism must inevitably lead Protestants to the Roman Catholic Church, which glosses over the opposition between symbolism and revelation. In Kuyper’s view there is an unbridgeable gulf between symbolism and Calvinism.