A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Antwoord van en aan Dr. Kuyper door Th.F. Bensdorp, Congr.SS.Red.
Amsterdam, G. Borg 1901, pp. [3]–4.
Published: April 1901.
See also: 1901.06; 1916.19; 1918.17.
ET: Pluriformity.

This article, reprinted from De Heraut, no. 1207, February 17, 1901, served as a provisional response to criticism from Th.F. Bensdorp (1860–1917). In De Katholiek 119 (1901), February/March 1901 (pp. [205]–253), Father Bensdorp had contended that Kuyper’s ideas about the unity and the pluriformity of the institutional church were incoherent. In his reply Kuyper limits himself to explaining what he understands by “pluriformity,” correcting what he regards as a recurring misinterpretation in Bensdorp’s article. Bensdorp later published Kuyper’s correction in his response in De Katholiek 119 (1901), April 1901 (pp. [365]–366).