A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad 12 (1900/1), no. 35, June 7, 1901.
See also: 1901.15.
ET: For your expression of sympathy, which refreshes my heart, I say thank you. Many say, now that I am growing old, that when I die, my work will also be a thing of the past, and it is against this that your firmness of principle and noble enthusiasm offer me a guarantee; a guarantee, for which I thank God.

Voor uw betuiging van sympathie, die mijn hart verkwikt, zeg ik u dank. Velen zeggen, nu ik oud word, dat, als ik sterf, ook mijn werk uit zal zijn en daartegen is het, dat uw beginseltrouw en nobele geestdrift mij waarborg biedt; een waarborg, waar ik God voor dank. Kuyper.

Words of gratitude for a telegram from the annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, held in Arnhem on May 16, 1901. The meeting had thanked Kuyper for his series of articles entitled De Gemeene Gratie in De Heraut and for agreeing to publish it as an independent work (see 1902.13). They had also expressed their wish that he receive God’s help in this decisive year.