A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Drie kleine vossen.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1901. 158 pp., 20cm.—unbd. ƒ0.80, bd. ƒ1.25.
Run: 2,000.
Published: July 1901.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, June 27, 1901.
Binding: full cloth; grey; stamped binding with colored Jugendstil decoration on front cover; blind tooling on back cover; binder’s name F.J. Albracht boekbinder Groningen in blind tooling on the back cover.
RKB 158.
ET: Three small foxes.

At the opening of the twentieth century, Kuyper describes three spiritual threats still lingering from the nineteenth century: intellectualism (intellectualisme), mysticism (mysticisme), and pragmatism (practicisme). In his view these threats arise from overemphasizing the three essential characteristics of humanity: thinking, feeling, and willing (head, heart, and hand).

Originally appearing as three series of articles written in 1900, the text was reprinted from De Heraut, no. 1159, March 11, 1900–no. 1199, December 23, 1900. Even before Kuyper concluded the third series, the Rev. H. Dijkstra (1851–1922) published De Zendingszaak. Een verzoek om eenige revisie. Open brief aan Prof. Dr. A. Kuyper, hoogleeraar aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam (Amsterdam/Pretoria, [1901]). Dijkstra objected to Kuyper’s charges (in the series on pragmatism) of “secularism,” “superficiality,” and “sterility” in the practice of missions. Dijkstra’s brochure got Kuyper’s attention. In the preface to this reprint, Kuyper notes that he has toned down statements that were too strong. Kuyper very rarely made these kinds of alterations to his reprints. The preface is dated on the day of the second round of parliamentary elections—the day on which Kuyper and his coalition partners won the elections.

Drie kleine vossen (cf. Song of Solomon 2:15) has been numbered among Kuyper’s best works. Prof. H. Bavinck had suggested to the publisher J.H. Kok that he should ask Kuyper for permission to publish these articles as a book because of their excellent quality. This booklet became the first of many works that Kuyper published with Kok in Kampen (see 1907.22). In 1902 Kok also published a title index to De Heraut (see app. 1.03).