A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad 13 (1901/1902), no. 32, May 16, 1902.
See also: 1902.19.
ET: To the federation my heartfelt gratitude. With the prayer that He in whose name the federation goes forth, enables it increasingly to be a nucleus and focal point of healthy Christian action for the blessing of the people and the fatherland and in honor of God’s holy name.

Aan den Bond mijn hartelijken dank. Met de bede dat Hij in Wiens Naam de Bond optrekt, hem in klimmende mate een kern en brandpunt doe zijn van gezonde Christelijke actie ten zegen van volk en vaderland en tot eere van Gods heiligen Naam. Kuyper.

An expression of gratitude cabled in response to a telegraph sent by the annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles. The federation, which assembled in Amsterdam on May 8, 1902, had expressed its respect and support for Kuyper. Kuyper’s expression of gratitude was also published in De Standaard, no. 9245, May 12, 1902.