A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Actestukken der Samenzwering. Gedenkboek der Werkstakingen van 1903. Deel II. Derde en Vierde Periode. Naspel. Bijlage en Register.
Wageningen, Naamlooze Vennootschap Drukkerij “Vada” 1904, pp. 514–531.
Published: May 1904.
Vol. I, see: 1903.17.

The second volume of the commemorative book about the labor strikes of 1903 reprints the speech (pp. 514–531) that Kuyper delivered in the Second Chamber on April 4, 1903, during debate about the antistrike laws. The speech was drawn from 1903.04 (pp. 1088–1092). The speech with which Kuyper concluded discussion of the antistrike laws on April 11, 1904—just prior to their passage—is reprinted in a freely abbreviated version on pp. 659–662 (see 1903.01, pp. 267–268).