A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Bazuin 52 (1904), no. 25, June 17, 1904.
ET: Theological School Kampen. May the meeting accept my heartfelt gratitude for the telegram, which was greatly appreciated. The hindrance that occurred pained me all the more as the Hunting Bill occupied the chamber all day and had I been able to anticipate that, I would have had the privilege to attend. What I had wanted to say to you in person allow me now to send it to you by telegraph: my expression of great concern for your anniversary celebration and not least my joy that the seminary that originated in a campaign that in1834 was not understood by the government and hence misjudged may be congratulated by me as a minister and that the seminary is now honored as one of the factors to which the Netherlands may not withhold the toll of its gratitude. The Minister of the Interior, Kuyper.

Theologische School Kampen. De vergadering aanvaarde mijn warmen dank voor haar hoogelijk gewaardeerd telegram. De opgekomen verhindering deed mij te meer leed, nu de Jachtwet de Kamer heel den dag ophield en ik, ware dit te voorzien geweest, het voorrecht had kunnen hebben tegenwoordig te zijn. Wat ik dan mondeling u had willen brengen, moge ik thans per telegraaf u doen toekomen, mijn betuiging van hooge belangstelling in uwe jubileums-feestviering, en niet het minst mijn blijdschap dat de school door mij als Minister mag worden geluk gewenscht, die opkwam uit een actie die, in 1834 door de regeering niet begrepen en daarom miskend, thans geëerd wordt als een der factoren waaraan Nederland den tol zijner erkentelijkheid niet onthouden mag. De Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken, Kuyper.

Kuyper’s reply to a telegram sent on behalf of the 1,400 guests (among whom 450 were pastors), who assembled on June 15, 1904, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Theologische School in the Burgwalkerk in Kampen. In their telegram the attendees had expressed disappointment that Kuyper had not honored them with his presence and had wished him, with the warmest regards, safekeeping in God so that he could be a blessing to the country for a long time to come.