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Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Tijd, no. 17293, July 14, 1904.
See also: 1905.03.
ET: Naturally your anniversary revives the uplifting impression that your great organization made on me in the past; which is why I value offering you my congratulations today. I honor in Rolduc one of the oldest schools by which Christian principles have been laid down and confirmed. May your great institution apply its greatest powers to the confirmation of this and may it, by this inspiring work, serve as a blessing to the fatherland. The Minister of the Interior, Kuyper.

Vanzelf herleeft door uw jubileum bij mij de verheffende indruk, dien uw grootsche stichting een vorig jaar op mij maakte; daarom stel ik er prijs op heden U mijne gelukwenschen aan te bieden. Ik eer in Rolduc een der oudste scholen waardoor de christelijke grondslagen in ons volksleven gelegd en bevestigd zijn. Blijve uw machtige stichting aan de bevestiging daarvan haar beste krachten wijden en zij ze door dien bezielenden arbeid het vaderland ten zegen. De Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken, Kuyper.

Telegram sent on July 12, 1904, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of Rolduc, a former abbey dating back to the early twelfth century. The abbey housed several Roman Catholic educational institutions as well as a boarding school. Rolduc’s minor seminary had celebrated its sixtieth anniversary on August 11, 1903. The text of this telegram is nearly identical to that of 1905.03. It is notable, however, that a rather different version of the same telegram was published in De Maasbode, 36, no. 8377, July 14, 1904.