A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 34 (1905), no. 10148, April 15, 1905.
ET: To the Meeting of Deputies my gratitude for its sympathetic telegram. Albeit in another position and in another field, now also I know, just as when I was amongst you, no other aim than to apply my best efforts for queen and fatherland under the banner of the cross.

Aan de Deputatenvergadering mijn dank voor haar sympathiek telegram. Zij het ook in andere positie en op ander terrein, ook nu ken ik, evenals toen ik in uw midden was, geen ander streven, dan om het beste mijner krachten aan Koningin en Vaderland te wijden onder de banier van het Kruis. Kuyper.

Answer to a telegram sent by the fifteenth Meeting of Deputies of the Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations, which met in Utrecht on April 13, 1905. Four thousand cards were requested, twice as many as for the previous meeting in 1901. Five hundred of these cards went to enfranchised delegates of the Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations.

As chairman of the Central Committee of the Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations, Kuyper had chaired all the previous meetings of deputies. He had resigned his position as chairman, however, on September 5, 1904. He considered the chairmanship of the meeting to be incompatible with his current position (see 1910.07, pp. 37–40). The leadership passed to H. Bavinck, vice-chairman, who delivered the speech Christelijke en neutrale staatkunde (Hilversum, [1905]), and was then elected as chairman of the Central Committee of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations.