A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Sociale hervormingen. Voorstellen van wet door het Ministerie-Kuyper bij de Staten-Generaal ingediend.
Wageningen, Nederbragt & Co, 1905. 3 vols. ([6], 469 pp.; 662 pp.; 511, [1] pp.)—3 vols. ƒ9.-; 8 parts ƒ10.-.
Run: 500.
Published: May 1905.
Also published in eight parts.
RKB 170.
ET: Social reforms. Proposed bills submitted to the States General by the Kuyper cabinet.

The harvest of the Kuyper cabinet’s (1901–1905) social policy. These volumes contain more than 1,600 pages of bills and accompanying documents regarding social reforms. The bills were supposed to have resulted in a labor statute book (cf. 1874.03). As it happened, however, only two from this great number of bills made it through Parliament: the Skewer Law, which regulated night shifts for women working in herring smokehouses (see 1902.11, pp. 91–101), and the Caisson Act, which regulated working hours and safety measures for building projects carried out in zones under higher than atmospheric pressure (see 1905.04, p. 471).

The publisher was presented with ƒ1,000.- for the publication, which was compiled by an unnamed individual (H. de Wilde (?), cf. 1903.17 and 1908.20). This edition was not a commercial success because the electoral defeat of June 1905 made it impossible for the Anti-Revolutionaries to set the legislative agenda in the short term. In July 1906, 102 sets and a number of individual volumes had been sold and 105 sets had been sent to reviewers. The publisher then wrote to Kuyper: “We will gladly keep the remaining stock at your disposal and will be happy to pass it on against the purchase price of ± ƒ3.- per copy” (KA 317).