A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Un voisin en fête.
In: Journal de Bruxelles 85 (1905), no. 138, May 18, 1905.
Translation (French) of an article from: De Standaard 34 (1905), no. 10164, May 5, 1905.
Original Dutch version, see also: 1968.02.
ET: A celebrating neighbor.

After the uprising of 1830, the Southern Netherlands asserted its independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Kuyper wrote this article on the seventy-fifth anniversary of Belgium’s founding as a sovereign nation. To celebrate the occasion a large exhibition displaying Belgium’s prosperity in all sectors was held in Liege. In his article Kuyper apologizes for the fact that, due to the lingering pain of the break of 1830, the Dutch government did not sent an official representative to the opening of the exhibition. Kuyper expects that all such sensitivity will have disappeared by 1930. After making a few historical remarks concerning Belgium and the Netherlands, Kuyper writes that there is every reason to rejoice at the successful development of Belgium’s prosperity.

After the Belgian ambassador in The Hague suggested translating the article from De Standaard, no. 10164, May 5, 1905, this French version was published in a Belgian paper (see 1968.02).