A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 34 (1905), no. 10188, June 3, 1905.
ET: Ipema, Gebouw Irene, Utrecht. Many thanks. Yesterday I rounded off my speech with the words: “God has helped up to now, God continues to help, God will help again.” May it also be so with your flourishing society. The Minister of the Interior, Kuyper.

Ipema, Gebouw Irene, Utrecht. Hartelijk dank. Gisteren besloot ik mijn rede met de woorden: Bis her hat Gott geholfen, Gott hilft, Gott wird weiter helfen. Zij het ook zoo met uw bloeiende Vereeniging. De Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken, Kuyper.

An expression of gratitude addressed to G. Ipema (1862–1923), chairman of the Union of Christian School Teachers in the Netherlands, in reply to a telegram sent by the ninth annual meeting of the union. In that telegram the union thanked the government for bringing the amended primary education bill to a vote on the previous day. At the end of the debates about the bill, Kuyper concluded his speech in the First Chamber on May 31 with the German phrases mentioned in his cable (cf. 1905.04, pp. 505–514). The bill was voted into law during the session.