A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Aan de gereformeerden in den lande.
In: Almanak van het Studentencorps a/d Vrije-Universiteit. Nil Desperandum Deo Duce. 1906.
[Amsterdam, NDDD 1906] (Amsterdam, J. Clausen Boekdrukker), pp. 309–314.
Published: January 1906.
Dated: Utrecht, December 5, 1878.
Reprint of: 1878.10.

This reprint of the introductory circular letter of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles—the so-called “birth certificate” of the association—was published as a historical document in the lustrum Almanac of the Student Union of the Vrije Universiteit: Nil Desperandum Deo Duce.

In addition to almanac entries, the lustrum almanac published reports about the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Vrije Universiteit, a number of scholarly articles, and a portrait of each of the four professors associated with the university since its foundation. The portraits were drawn by Frans Deutmann. The almanac, which had a print run of 700 copies, cost ƒ2.- and was sold out within fourteen days. It found a ready market because no memorial book had been published celebrating the silver anniversary of the Vrije Universiteit. The binding and layout (see the colophon, p. 350) were designed by Jac. Ph. Wormser (see 1898.16). The almanac was bound in style by F.L. van der Bom, Amsterdam.