A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 36 (1907), no. 10717, February 22, 1907.
ET: M. de Heer, Anti-Revolutionary Party Rally, Schiedam. Thanks to the rally for its inspired and therefore inspiring words. As I grow older, I remain young as long as I am supported by your prayers and heartfelt sympathy. May the Lord bless your gathering for the maintenance of his honor in our country.

M. de Heer, Antirevolutionaire Partijdag, Schiedam. Dank aan de vergadering voor haar bezield en daardoor bezielend woord. Ouder wordend blijf ik jong, zoolang ik door uwe gebeden en hartelijke sympathie gedragen blijf. Zegene de Heere uw samenzijn voor de handhaving van Zijn eer in ons land. Kuyper.

A telegram to the third Anti-Revolutionary Party rally in the district of Schiedam, which met on February 20, 1907. The rally had offered its prayer that Kuyper would continue to be a blessing to the country and its people for a long time and had expressed its appreciation for his dedication to Christian political principles.