A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letter to the editor.]
In: Journal des débats politiques et littéraires 119 (1906/1907), no. 80, March 22, 1907.
Translation (Dutch), see: 1907.09.

After Rev. Lacheret responded to 1907.06 (in his letter dated Paris, March 4, 1907, and published in the Journal des débats on March 20), Kuyper replied (in French) with this letter to the editor of the Journal des débats. In the letter Kuyper admits that he has made two mistakes in the discussion. First, he wrongly assumed that Lacheret adhered to the ecclesiology of the Reformed Confessio Gallicana, and second, he mistakenly believed that the change from church to “association of worshipers” (see 1907.06) would be gradual—while in fact the change had already been implemented. According to Kuyper, these factors made further discussion impossible, but did not change the fact that the original Eglise Réformée would have condemned this “metamorphosis” proposed by the government.