A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Correspondentieblad van de Vereeniging van Christelijke Onderwijzers en Onderwijzeressen in Nederland en de Overzeesche Bezittingen, no. 1, 1908.
Published: January 1908.
Dated: ’s Gravenhage, November 6, 1907.
See also: 1908.13.

Kuyper sent this letter to the board of the Association of Christian School Teachers in the Netherlands and the Overseas Territories as an expression of his gratitude for the gifts he had received during a celebration for his seventieth birthday. The celebration was held on October 29, 1907 in the Gebouw voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen in The Hague. To honor Kuyper 2,800 Christian school teachers had raised funds for a portrait of him, painted by H.J. Haverman (1857–1928), and for a memorial album designed by F. Müllens, with four full-page illustrations and a list of all the donors arranged according to place name. Pictures of both gifts can be found in 1908.11 and 1908.13. Along with the letter Kuyper also sent a medallion (see 1907.18), which he had minted for his birthday celebration.