A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Zutphensche Bondsdag. Redevoeringen en referaat gehouden op de 20e Algemeene Vergadering van den Nederl. Bond van Jongel. Vereenigingen op Geref. Grondslag—28 Mei 1908.
[S.l.], Vereeniging “De Gereformeerde Jongelingsbond” [1908], pp. [30]–36.
Published: July 1908.

Report of the closing speech of the twentieth annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, which took place in Zutphen on May 28, 1908. Speaking extemporaneously, Kuyper describes the experience of previous generations who, from need and necessity, entered into action and struggle. He shares his perspective as a member of the generation that had built on the foundations and followed the guidance of Groen van Prinsterer. Kuyper warns his 3,000 young listeners that history shows that the ideals, élan, and self-sacrificial spirit of previous generations tend to wane among successors who have not participated in their struggles. However, he compliments the Young Men’s Associations as a link between generations and therefore as a powerful means to continue the movement in the right direction.