A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Wij Calvinisten …. Openingswoord ter Deputaten-vergadering van 22 April 1909.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1909. 24 pp., 25cm.—ƒ0.25.
Run: 3,000.
Published: April 1909.
See also: 1951.01.
RKB 183.
ET: We Calvinists …. Opening words at the Meeting of Deputies of April 22, 1909.

The seventeenth Meeting of Deputies of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations was held in Utrecht and was convened to prepare for the general elections for the Second Chamber, which were slated for June 12, 1909. In front of more than 1,600 party officials, Kuyper summarized the Anti-Revolutionary Party’s experience in the years since the Kuyper cabinet had taken office in 1901. Concerns expressed in 1909.01 also surfaced in his speech. The identity of the party, the importance of the coalition, the meaning of the antithesis, and the fourth centennial celebration of Calvin’s birth were also given special attention. The speech was published on the day Kuyper delivered it.