A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Parliamentary speeches.]
In: Verslag van de handelingen der Staten-Generaal. Zitting van 14 September 1909–17 September 1910. Verslag der handelingen van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal gedurende het zittingjaar 1909–1910.
’s Gravenhage, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij 1910, pp. 330–332, 364–369, 1069–1070, 1138–1141.
Published in parts.

On November 18, 1909, Kuyper spoke in the Second Chamber about the interim report on the “decorations affair” (see 1909.19). After criticizing the accusations, correcting misunderstandings, and explaining his actions, he concluded with the admission that he had not acted carefully enough. “The hair shirt is not unbecoming to the man,” he admitted. Finally, he summed up his case with several theses, contending that a conclusive argument proving the charges against him had yet to be put forward (pp. 330–332). See also 1909.27 and 1910.07. In the session of November 22, during the general debate on the national budget of 1910, Kuyper spoke about the significance of the elections results of June 1909, the role of Christian principles in directing government policy, the proposed general revision of the constitution, monetary policy, and the relationship between the Anti-Revolutionary Party and the cabinet (pp. 364–369). Kuyper also spoke about government policy regarding higher education on December 16 (pp. 1069–1070) and about vocational training on December 18 (pp. 1138–1141).